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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Flowing Artesian Well

Ryan and I finally faced facts that the whole well situation is probably pretty scary for someone looking at our land. The "unknown" nature of it all.

We had three different companies come out and take a look. Three different bids ( all a lot). We settled on  Don Pitner Jr.   Actually, settle is totally the wrong word. We LOVE this guy. He is right out of the dark ages and you can tell that drilling wells is his reason for living.

Don Pitner Jr.
We have another picture of him on the drilling rig. He looks like a Norman Rockwell painting and it's just so cool. He drilled down 60 feet and water was already coming out. It was snowing up there the day that he drilled, so we left him to his work. He called us that night and he had drilled down 125 feet and the water flow was at least 30 gallons/minute!! (WOW!!!). The well has positive pressure and the the water was flowing up to a foot to the top of the pipe all by itself.  The Artesian spring on the property has always had really tasty water and this well is no different. Our well guy gave birth to an "Artesian Well"

 By the next day the water had overflowed the pipe and Don was going to have to return and put a valve on the pipe as the water now has some pretty good pressure.This phenomenon is known as a "Flowing Artesian Well".  We are so excited for whoever buys our property because they are going to have awesome water!!

Time to get a realtor again because our Craigslist ad is just not doing much and our property just went up in price. Mainly because we just spent thousands and thousands of dollars on a well... but also because our well is a really good one!!