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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our House... the template

We have finished the design of the house and are busy (Ryan is busy) re-drawing the sketches so that we can get them to the architect for a once over and some engineering help.  It seemed only appropriate to show everyone what the house is based upon.

Located on the title space is a photograph of a model of the 1995 Life Magazine Dream House created by Dennis Wedlick Architect LLC.  I spoke to him last year and let him know personally of our project. The initial inspiration for our house goes solely to him and his brilliant design.We owe him and the publishers of Life Magazine the credit for giving us something to dream about. I saved the original magazine in my desk for all of these years dreaming that someday, I could live in a house as unique and beautiful as this one. I can't believe that this might actually happen.

Here is the south face of the home in it's original iteration:

Life Magazine's 1995 Dream House 

 Floor Plan Drawings:

Ryan and I have spent the better part of the last year thinking and troubleshooting and changing these original plans into something that works for this project and the way that we live.

I will post the finished drawings he as I have them. We assume that the counties architect is going to monkey with them, but we a hoping not too much :)

Cheers  :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 2012 Status Update

Here it is, almost spring. We are gettiing ready to make our 12th payment on the property. The way it is going, we will have this thing half paid off by the time we start construction in the Spring of 2013!!  We could not be happier about this development.

Ryan is working on the house elevation drawings and re drawing all of the plans so that we can submit them to the county.  That's about it.

Thank you to all of our new neighbors who are keeping an eye on the property and our fallen trees.  I start a new job on the 27th which is going to do several things for us:  more money so that we can pay this off sooner and I will be able to remote in from home on those "snowed in" days that we are sure to have when we finally get out there.

Stay cool and come back soon!!