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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Clothes Dryer

The clothes dryer we have now is between 20-30 years old. It is an old Maytag and it works like a champ. I couldn't tell you exactly how much power it uses (mainly because I am almost afraid to look at our meter when it is running. :( ). I am guessing that it uses around 5000 watts when it is on. We try not to use it much.

Two years ago I bought a rotary clothesline and installed it in the backyard. I chose one called the Breezecatcher. It is very stout and clean and awesome. It can handle a huge load of clothes and is very balanced so it rotates in the breeze even if I load it unevenly.

This is the Breezecatcher in our backyard. [off topic comment ] Beyond is our neighbors house. He thinks that Tyvek is the same as siding as it has looked that way for 3 years now. This year he stopped paying attention to his yard altogether so now it looks like we live next to some abandoned house. I am waiting for a car to start showing up on what used to be his lawn. [/off topic comment ]

Ryan took a while before he accepted the fact that we were hanging clothes on a line. The clothes are scratchy and , well, it's just more work than throwing them in the dryer and turning it on. That is true.

Why use a clothesline?

  • Dryers use a HUGE amount of electricity. KOIN news report

  • I can't justify NOT using one during the summer.

  • The dryer adds to heat in the house and for those who lack air conditioning, this is an unnecessary problem.

What are the drawbacks?

  • If it rains while your clothes are out there then your clothes get wet all over again.

  • It's more work.

  • Drying your clothes on a line does nothing to remove dog hair or lint.

  • There are some neighborhood associations that forbid having a clothesline due to them being "unsightly". CBS News: Dispute in Bend, OR


There is an organization that is trying to create a movement towards using clotheslines: Project Laundry List

    If you think back 40 years ago... every house had a clothesline. Yes, I was a little worried about my neighbor seeing my underwear on the line, but you know what? I can count 4 separate times when I have personally witnessed him peeing on the side of his house. He lets his guests do worse than that in the neighbors yards. In light of that, worrying about him seeing my underwear on the line shouldn't be a big deal..

    The compromise that changed everything. This year, taking into account the drawbacks of having the clothesline, we reached a compromise. We hang the clothes and then put them in the dryer for about 5 minutes with a dryer sheet. This fluffs up the clothes, imparts some of the magical "dryer sheet softness" on the clothes and gets rid of all traces of pet hair. Lacey, we love you but your hair is everywhere.

    At the new place, we will be installing another Breezecatcher and placing it in a covered area. This way, we can hope to use it closer to year round. It should also allow us to buy a smaller, more efficient dryer.

    As long as there is wind, clothes will dry on a clothesline

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